You Buy We Donate® : Peanut's Story

This journey started out with Mr. Poop Bags (Paul) watching a TikTok of Aaron Jackson and Planting Peace on elephant rescue back in October.
After interviewing Aaron for The Original Poop Bags Earth Day coverage, we shifted gears to rescuing Peanut.
When we arrived at Following Giants, we were told Peanut settled down, had bonded with a mahout, and was walking alongside the large females.
He bypassed the typical 2 week transition period, and is chain-free! 
This baby turned 7 in May, and had worn chains every day, but now he has 70+ years of freedom to look forward to!
Roam free Peanut!! We LOVE YOU!
Thank you to everyone who donated, bought a t-shirt or Peanut Bucks, or supported our You Buy We Donate® program by purchasing our poopbags. With your help, we were able to rescue Peanut!